

we are bringing awareness to greater spiritual practices producing deep cognitive restoration.

we are building frameworks for trainability and revealing why this neural activity matters.

We reveal advancements in meditative prayer. We are passionate in bringing ancient spiritual wisdom to practical habits for today’s modern world. We believe spiritual awe through contemplation profoundly transforms mental health and mood regulation. We believe intentional inner work helps us live authentically and gives us the capacity to shape our world with compassion.

Why it matters: We reveal new possibilities through the art and science of our transformative faith. Behold, God is doing a new thing. The new practice: Breath of the Holy Spirit. Through deep contemplation, a powerful new circular breathwork technique emerges. This breathing practice instantly helps the practitioner abide in a deep absorptive state effortlessly. This on-demand ability floods the senses with spiritual awe. Experience peak emotional states of peace, purpose, and performance. These powerful sensations are visibly prominent as goose tingles. Curiously, the EEG reveals heightened neural activity from baseline while facial expressions remain tranquil. This trainable mind-body ability helps mystics humbly sense a spiritual indwelling presence. We believe deep contemplation leads to greater discernment. These spiritual gifts are graced by the Comforter to help master stress and live by the Spirit. A soul’s inner flourishing is the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22), bearing prosocial behavior to all. As written in Scripture, whoever believes in Christ, out of their heart will flow rivers of living water (John 7:38).

Guiding principles. We follow Jesus Christ, Christian spiritual traditions, the Spiritual Exercises, and practices rooted in Scripture. Through inner and outer work, we discern guidance by the Holy Spirit, study of New Testament writings, and acts of compassionate service in the world.

Examples of Practical Spiritual Habits:

  • Believe Love. John 11:25-26, 1 John 4:8. Believe you are deeply loved by God.

    • Learn daily about the Gospel and praying with Jesus Christ.

  • Seek Joy. Psalm 8:3-4. Luke 6:12. Delight and grow with God.

    • Discover natural awe to spark gratitude and wonder.

  • Make Peace. Romans 12:2, Matthew 5:9. Turn away from worldly patterns.

    • Discern spiritual warfare and putting on the full armor of God.

What’s next? We are validating this neurophysiological breakthrough in collaboration with leading neuroscientists at the Institute of Advanced Consciousness Studies. Contact for references.

Our goal is to promote awareness of the transformative power in a holistic framework. We believe that vibrant spiritual health leads to optimal cognitive, emotional, and physical well-being. By seeking spiritual unity and well-being first, we trust that everything else will follow, just as a rising tide lifts all boats. We respect the wisdom traditions and welcome all views, especially agnostics.

Our mission is to fulfill and restore all things, beginning from within. I believe that modern Christian mystics are the 'dead in Christ' who have risen first at His coming (1 Thessalonians 4:16; 1 Corinthians 15:20-24). We are the souls who testified to Jesus, who have come to life and will reign with Christ for a thousand years during the first resurrection (Revelation 20:4). Acceptance of hard truths; but if you are willing, I am he who baptized Him. As it is written, I rise to complete my work to turn hearts before the great day of the Lord.

Everything for the greater glory of God’s kingdom.

The God of peace be with you. Amen.
